FTP Manager
See how easy it can be to put all FTP accounts for your web sites in order through an FTP Manager interface.
The simplest way to grant a third-party access to the web files in a particular folder is to set up an FTP account and to set content access limits in regard to your web hosting space. If you use the services of a web designer, for instance, they won’t acquire access to any other files or any personal data in your account. You can also set up multiple FTP accounts to manage different websites built with a desktop web design application like FrontPage or Dreamweaver – each site can be published on the web and then updated using an FTP account with access to its own domain folder on the server. All these things will be possible as long as you are able to set up and manage your FTP accounts without any hassles.
FTP Manager in Shared Hosting
If you open a
shared hosting account with our company, you’ll receive access to the very powerful FTP Manager tool, that’s part of our in-house developed Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. The tool includes a number of different options, apart from the possibility to create or remove FTP accounts. You’ll be able to see the access path associated with each account and by clicking it, you can change it so that the account in question will access another directory. Downloadable auto-config files are available too, so you will not have to configure anything manually – you can simply download the particular file for Core FTP, FileZilla or CyberDuck and install it on your computer. To make the administration simpler, the FTP Manager will permit you to see all the FTP accounts that you’ve created in alphabetical order, based on either the username or the access path.
FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you open a
semi-dedicated server account with us, you’ll be able to use various options that are accessible in the FTP Manager section of our next-generation Hepsia Control Panel. You can create a brand new FTP account and specify which directory it will have access to with only a few clicks via an easy-to-navigate interface. A list of all the accounts that you have set up will be available in the same section too and, for the sake of convenience, you can sort them by access path or username in ascending or descending order, so you will be able to quickly find the FTP account that you need. Modifying the access path for an active FTP account is as easy as clicking on it and selecting the new path, whereas deleting an account or editing its password requires one single mouse click as well. With the FTP Manager, you can also use configuration files for popular desktop FTP software apps such as CyberDuck and FileZilla.