DKIM, which is an acronym for DomainKeys Identified Mail, is an email authentication system, which obstructs email addresses from being spoofed and email content from being meddled with. This is achieved by adding an e-signature to every message sent from an address under a given domain name. The signature is created based on a private encryption key that is available on the sending server and it can be validated with a public key, which is available in the global DNS database. Thus, any message with edited content or a forged sender can be recognized by email providers. This method will strengthen your online safety significantly and you’ll be sure that any email message sent from a business collaborator, a bank, and so on, is authentic. When you send emails, the recipient will also be sure that you are indeed the one who has sent them. Any email that appears to be fake may either be marked as such or may never enter the recipient’s mailbox, depending on how the given provider has decided to treat such messages.